Tobias Scholze | The Stuttering Nerd

JetBrains Space app contest winners announced

Finally, JetBrains has announced the winning apps of their Space contest. I'm very execited to see such variaty of diffrent kind of apps devloped to the new all-in-one software development management platform!

Yes I also participated, but I knew that my app was not even "good enough" to get on the list of submitted apps - and without any doubts, JetBrains was right.


  1. Checklist Buddy
  2. Telescope
  3. Get Emoji

Nevertheless, I really enjoyed digging into "the how of developing Space apps". Myself will re-join the game after JetBrains launched their "hosted app" feature and maybe their "all apps have to handle authentication by theirself" issue.

That said, JetBrains I will come back!

PS: If you are interested in developing Space apps, join JetBrain's Platform Slack.
